富二代 showing off

arrogant rich dog owner

A couple days ago, my friend shared this article on facebook, and I was disgusted by the actions of those 富二代s. “富二代” literally means “the wealthy second generation”. Those who are 富二代s are born into rich families, and usually has never worked a day in their lives.

In the article, there are many photos of the 富二代s showing off their possessions (be it money, cars, expensive brand names, and/or women).

While I normally don’t have a problem with people showing off, they have gone too far.

In the article, there is a picture of a woman who is surrounded in a pile of money and SHE IS HOLDING A LIGHTER RIGHT NEXT TO THE MONEY. Are you kidding me?! SHE IS POSING TOO.

Seriously?!?! I can understand if money means nothing to her, but to take such a picture, it’s just arrogant and shameful.

There are so many people who are living in poverty. If she doesn’t want or need the money, then give it away!!! It infuriates me so much when I see people who are so ungrateful.

In another picture, you can see a picture of a dog wearing two apple watches.

The owner bought two apple watches. For a dog. 

What makes it even more enraging is his arrogant comment, “I should be wearing 4 watches as I have 4 legs, but it’s a bit too much for me, so I’m only wearing 2.”


I know they’re born into riches, but just because they’re rich, it doesn’t mean they have to be assholes.

I think it’s quite evident from the article that these 富二代s do not care about anything except for the possessions they have.

In a way, I feel sorry for them because they probably do not have any real friends. Everyone who hangs out with them probably only does so because they’re rich. Without money, everything else will disappear as well.

Everything is so fake and you wouldn’t know who to trust.

To sum up, I would like to share my instagram post with you all.

Author: gchan7127

I just want to share all my knowledge, ideas, and experiences with the world. It makes me happy to know that I can inspire others.

13 thoughts on “富二代 showing off”

    1. You’re welcome!! I was really shocked by their behaviours (from the article). *sigh* They seem like such selfish and spoiled human beings. I hope one day they’ll wake up and use their money to do more good.

  1. Once Jesus said to his disciples: What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

  2. yea i saw that post too with Arcadia being a spot. That post was about Chinese second generation rich kids. Interesting world we live in. Some times it sucks to have everything at your disposal in the beginning because appreciation is very lacking and the self takes things for granted to a new level. Perhaps there is another side to this story. A story where these kids are actually responsible to an exponential degree…. or maybe im just being naive and these people just like to blow off money and do things because “they can do whatever the F@#k they can”

    1. I agree. When you have everything at disposal, you won’t appreciate it. I honestly hope these rich kids will learn how to be more humble in the future. It’s so sad how wasteful they are, while so many people are living in poverty. 😦

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