

This is not a blog post that tells you appearance doesn’t matter. Because it does.

Initially, when you first meet someone, you judge them based on what he/she looks like.

Some may deny it, but when we first meet someone, our minds are trying to help us figure out the person. We want to know what we are dealing with. It’s like our minds are scrambling to find the pieces of a missing puzzle.

We take what we can get. This includes what the person looks like, his/her choice of clothing, his/her posture, his/her possessions, his/her body language, and so on.

Continue reading “Appearance”

Social Anxiety


When I was little, I suffered from a lot of social anxiety. I was never diagnosed, but thinking back, I dreaded interacting with people. It was stressful for me. I felt judged and I didn’t want to sound stupid.

Whenever someone approached me, I would freak out on the inside. My heartbeat would increase, and I would have trouble focusing. I was terrified of people.

One of the biggest reasons why I felt this way was because I was unable to communicate in English. English is my second language, and it was extremely difficult for me. I was afraid of mispronouncing words, and I had very limited vocabulary.

Although I went to school briefly in Hong Kong (until I was 7), the English words I had acquired helped very little. I knew the basic “How are you?” “How do you do?” “Fine, thank you.” But that was it. I didn’t know how to carry on an actual conversation.

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富二代 showing off

arrogant rich dog owner

A couple days ago, my friend shared this article on facebook, and I was disgusted by the actions of those 富二代s. “富二代” literally means “the wealthy second generation”. Those who are 富二代s are born into rich families, and usually has never worked a day in their lives.

In the article, there are many photos of the 富二代s showing off their possessions (be it money, cars, expensive brand names, and/or women).

While I normally don’t have a problem with people showing off, they have gone too far.

In the article, there is a picture of a woman who is surrounded in a pile of money and SHE IS HOLDING A LIGHTER RIGHT NEXT TO THE MONEY. Are you kidding me?! SHE IS POSING TOO.

Continue reading “富二代 showing off”



When we were little, a friend could simply be someone who played with us. Perhaps it was someone who liked what we liked. There weren’t really any requirements.

But as we get older, our definition of a friend starts changing. People who we hang out with are not necessarily our friends anymore. Our standards become higher and people have to start earning our friendships.

Everyone’s idea of a friend could vary. However, I believe that the qualities of a true friend is pretty much standard for all of us.

Continue reading “Friendship”