Nerdy Guys on Relationships

ghetto podcast crew

This week I’m doing something totally different from my usual blogs. I have a video instead!!! Originally, I was going to record all the answers by hand and write a post, but my friends suggested recording a video since it was easier and potentially more interesting!?

The video is 24 minutes long, and I know nowadays most of us lack the attention span. Therefore, I understand if you do not end up finishing it. 😦  (but I made it as interesting as possible, so you should watch. Hehe)

This is a collaboration post and I asked my 3 participants four questions:

1. What type of person do you have to become in order to attract the type of woman that you want? 
2. What is the most difficult obstacle for you when it comes to the ladies? (Ex. Getting a date, approaching her, etc)
3. Would you lie for the sake of your partner’s happiness? And if so, where/when do you draw the line?
4. What is one of the greatest lessons you have learnt about relationships? (This can be a personal experience or something you have witnessed) 

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