Born To Win


It turns out that my Uncle Aaron reads my blog!!!! He checks my facebook weekly for my new post! I am quite delighted and surprised because I never knew I had a secret fan. (Hehe, thanks Uncle!) Anyhow, my uncle recommended a book called, “Born To Win” to me, and he gave me his copy from 40 years ago! Currently, I’m still in the process of reading it but it’s very interesting. I am actually taking notes as I read it. Haha. It is a book on psychology, and there are many experiments and exercises you can do that allows you to become more aware of the person that you are.

There are two topics that especially stood out to me, and I want to share it with my readers.


Discounting is when you make the person feel like he/she is insignificant. It can be a lack of attention or negative attention that hurts emotionally or physically. Usually, it occurs when a person feels ignored, teased, diminished, humiliated, physically downgraded, laughed at, and so on).

I have a perfect example.

Me: What type of food do you like to eat? 

Dad: Are you stupid? Obviously I like anything that taste good!? Why do you ask such pointless questions? 

Me: I just wanted to know if you had a preference. 

Dad: You waste time thinking about useless things, that’s why you’ll never succeed. 

Thoughts that were running through my head: 

“I just wanted to start a conversation. Why should I even bother? There’s no point talking to you.”

“Wow, I feel so sorry for you. All you know how to do is make people feel worse about themselves.” 

“You’re such a jerk.”

I think in general, we all have to be more mindful of the things we say to each other. Do you often discount or feel discounted? Sometimes we’re unaware of our behaviour and do not realize that our words/actions can really hurt another person.

Before you say something, ask yourself if what you say will make someone feel worse about themselves. If so, can you say it in another way? Or perhaps, do you have to say it?

Psychological trading stamps 

Think of it like a stamp collection. Psychological stamps are like the thoughts we keep inside when an issue bothers us. For most of us, we tend to have a collection because we do not usually act on our displeasure.

Collecting stamps –> Growing resentment –> Justification for behaviour

Once we have a collection, we eventually cash it out for a “prize”. The prize is really the justification of our behaviour.

For example,

*Son walks into the house with muddy feet* 

*Mother cleans it up without saying anything*

*Son repeats this for a few more times* 

*After the 10th time, the mother explodes*


The last statement is the “prize”. The mother feels like her behavior is justified because she has collected so many stamps. The mother feels like she has coped with enough and the son deserves what he gets.

However, potentially, this could have been avoided if the mother had told her son how much dirty feet bothered her THE FIRST TIME IT OCCURRED. Since she decided to remain silent, she started collecting stamps. Eventually, it was too much and she exploded.

Have you ever exploded on anyone? Could the situation be prevented?

All of us collect stamps. Some, more than others. It’s not a good thing though.

Last but not least, here’s a trait checklist. Use a check mark beside those that fit your self-image. Use a cross to mark those that do not fit.Use a question mark to indicate the ones that you’re unsure about.

____ Like myself

____ Afraid of or hurt by others

____ People can trust me

____ Put up a good front

____ Usually say the right thing

____ Feel bad about myself

____ Fearful of the future

____ Dependent on others for ideas

____ Waste time

____ Use my talents

____ Think for myself

____ Know my feelings

____ Don’t understand myself

____ Feel hemmed in

____ Use time well

____ Can’t hold a job

____ Trust myself

____ Usually say the wrong thing

____ Enjoy people

____ Don’t enjoy being the sex I am

____ Discouraged about life

____ Don’t like to be around people

____ Have not developed my talents

____ Glad I’m the sex I am

____ Often do the wrong thing

____ Involved in solving community problems

____ People like to be around me

____ Competent on the job

____ People avoid me

____ Disinterested in community problems

____ Enjoy work

____ Enjoy nature

____ Don’t enjoy work

____ Control myself

____ Enjoy life

____ Trouble controlling myself

____Don’t like myself

What do you notice? Anything that surprised you?

All in all, this book is quite theory-based BUT if you’re interested in knowing more about yourself and others, it can enlighten you.

Author: gchan7127

I just want to share all my knowledge, ideas, and experiences with the world. It makes me happy to know that I can inspire others.

17 thoughts on “Born To Win”

  1. Loving the new layout Grace 🙂 You’ve come really far in terms of your personal and mental development, so proud of you! I know my dad is a huge fan of your blog, my mom tells me all the time he’s constantly checking for updates. Lol 🙂 see you around! Take care and be well.. -M.

    1. Aww, thank you Miranda!! Haha!!!! That’s so funny! I never knew I had such a secret fan! I check out your blog as well! I was promoting it to your mom. Haha. I’m like, “Mimi jeh jeh should go into skincare or make up! She is so pro! On her blog, people send her products to try!!” Your mom said she can’t find your blog. Haha, keeping it a secret, eh? 😉 I told her it was mirandaloves btw. ❤

  2. Aww Grace. Somehow you always allow me to relate to what you write. I feel like I’ve been in the same situations as you and that is what makes us stronger. P.S. We need to hang out soon! 🙂

  3. I enjoyed this one the most of the 3 I read! This one was really good:) It was very novel. I loved the stamps metaphor and how a collection of stamps can make people feel justified for their prize type of behavior. I read this post a few days ago, I just haven’t commented yet, but this idea has popped up in my mind a few times since. This is something I’ll remember. This is so important especially when it comes to relationships.

    1. Thank you!! It’s true. We build up stamps without knowing! It’s actually a very insightful book. Check it out when you have time! I will be blogging about more books in the future. I like sharing my ideas with my readers like you as well! 😄

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