5 signs you’re in a toxic relationship

toxic relationship

This week’s relationship topic is brought to you by my Moo Moo! You can visit her blog here.

5 signs you’re in a toxic relationship

1. You are always experiencing negative emotions. Ex. You feel like you’re never good enough. Or perhaps, he/she doesn’t care about you or your feelings, constantly comparing you with other people, disrespecting you, etc.

2. You are constantly giving, and not receiving anything back. A healthy relationship requires both parties to put in effort, thought and time. If only one of you is doing all the work, then you need to seriously have a talk about it.

3. He/she tries to control you (who you see, who you talk to, your choices, your money, and etc). Obviously in a relationship, compromises are needed. However, if you need his/her permission to do things, then that’s not right.

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