5 signs you’re in a toxic relationship

toxic relationship

This week’s relationship topic is brought to you by my Moo Moo! You can visit her blog here.

5 signs you’re in a toxic relationship

1. You are always experiencing negative emotions. Ex. You feel like you’re never good enough. Or perhaps, he/she doesn’t care about you or your feelings, constantly comparing you with other people, disrespecting you, etc.

2. You are constantly giving, and not receiving anything back. A healthy relationship requires both parties to put in effort, thought and time. If only one of you is doing all the work, then you need to seriously have a talk about it.

3. He/she tries to control you (who you see, who you talk to, your choices, your money, and etc). Obviously in a relationship, compromises are needed. However, if you need his/her permission to do things, then that’s not right.

4. He/she always try to threaten to break or end the relationship whenever you guys have a disagreement. If you always feel threatened, then it’s time to reevaluate your relationship.

5. He/she tries to change you into someone else. You shouldn’t be with someone who is constantly trying to change you into his/her ideal partner. If he/she cannot accept your flaws to begin with, then why would you want to be with him/her?

Note: People can change, but only if they have the desire to do so themselves.

P.S. I think most people stay in toxic relationships because they are ultimately afraid of being alone and not being able to find someone else. Fear is very powerful. However, if you are experiencing most or all the signs I have just listed above, I urge you to reconsider your choices. You don’t have to stay in a toxic relationship.

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Author: gchan7127

I just want to share all my knowledge, ideas, and experiences with the world. It makes me happy to know that I can inspire others.

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