
I have been neglecting my personal blog posts so badly lately… I’m so sorry to my old readers. (I have some readers who only read my personal posts, no translations). If you have been following me since 2014, you will have noticed that I have gone through many phases..

I used to write about a certain topic (Ex. Social Anxiety, Communication, Attention, etc). I would also share random stories once in awhile (Ex. The Glass, The Tiny Frog, etc).

Then, I wrote a bunch of posts on motivation.

Eventually, I moved onto posting some of my personal views on topics such as the Education System, Gay Marriage, and etc.

After that, there were two months where I consistently wrote a bunch of relationship posts (Those were very popular but generated a lot of controversy from my friends and readers).

Now, my posts are more like diary entries.


Last week, my friend Angela got married! Angela and I have known each other since our Undergraduate years. It’s crazy how time flies.

wedding 1

It was a lovely wedding. I love western venues. Personally, I find them much more organized and enjoyable. Although I’m Chinese, I dislike Chinese weddings very much because they never start on time. In fact, the invitation may say 6 or 6:30, but they usually don’t start until after 8 or 8:30.

It’s ridiculous.

Perhaps it’s because I have been brought up in Canada, but I find it very rude of people to show up late. I can understand if you are 30 minutes late, but 2 hours?? Come on.

The ceremony at this wedding was set at 3:30pm, and it started at 3:34. Dinner was supposed to be serve at 6:20, and it was served no later than 6:30. This is call following a schedule and respecting your guests’ time. I appreciate it very much. Haha.

wedding 2

As of now, I have been to roughly 10 weddings or so (I know, crazy eh?). However, this wedding was the first one that had speeches which made me tear up. All the speeches were very touching and heartfelt. When Queenie (Angela’s Maid of Honour) said, “Kevin, thank you for bring her home.” Tears fell down like raindrops.

Angela met Kevin (her husband) in Hong Kong a few years ago while she was teaching abroad. They actually met at a club (lol, can you believe it?) Apparently, she made fun of his braces and said he looked like a dork. That left a strong impression on him and they hung out again shortly after that.

During his speech, Kevin said on the last night of his trip to Hong Kong, he gave Angela his engineering ring (it’s an iron ring Engineers get when they graduate) and told her to keep it safe for him. He said he was going to return to get it back one day.

Wow. So sappy.

What a hopeless romantic.

Although it may seem surprising that it actually worked out, the Angela that I know is a very determined individual.

If she wants something to happen, she will do everything she can to make it happen.

I’m so happy she has found such a loving and kind man to be her husband. They compliment each other very nicely. Angela is impulsive, wild and a bit crazy; while Kevin seems to be very calm, giving, and orderly.

wedding 3.jpg

I would put up photos of people, but I do not have their consents so too bad for you guys. 😛

However, my friend recorded a video of me for my Moo Moo who is currently living in Cambodia right now. I cracked up so many times in the video. But I hope you enjoy nonetheless.

P.S. I am aware I look very skinny in the video. I am currently still ill and trying to gain weight.

P.P.S. Sorry for the poor quality. I am trying to see what I can do to make it higher quality. It looked a lot better on my phone. Haha.

P.P.P.S. I know this post is totally random and you guys probably don’t care about my real life so thank you if you read until the very end. ❤

Author: gchan7127

I just want to share all my knowledge, ideas, and experiences with the world. It makes me happy to know that I can inspire others.

14 thoughts on “Wedding”

    1. I really like it too!! I’m only one call away 😘. Lol if I ever made a video singing u the song I made for you, I think u would be so embarrassed. I hope to perform it one day though! Hehe it’s so catchy ❤️

      1. Hehe, I certainly do! 😉 You show your love by singing songs to the ones you love. I show my love by inviting them to eat with me! ❤

  1. Ahahahhahahhahahha omgggg! So lammmeee – I want to hear the rest of the lyrics! Now everytime I want to watch something lame – I can click on this ahahahahhahahah – and I was wondering who was behind the camera too!! Hi Donnie 🙂 ahahhahha

    1. Lolll glad u like it. Haha it was supposed to be “Even tho u are mean, u want me to eat spiders, and not for protein, what the hell!!!” But I called you lame instead and realized I could rhyme anything with lame. Haha

  2. I’m one of those readers who like to read your personal blog posts, all those topics you mentioned sound interesting. you should repost some of your articles from 2014 so your new followers can read them:) 10 weddings? that’s crazy, I haven’t even been to one:/ one day though:) always nice to get to know you better through your post, didn’t know you were from Canada:) sweet post, always love good news being talked about like a wedding:)

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