Touching quotes from Tuesdays with Morrie

I had wanted to write about this book for a very long time, but the last time I read it was around 15 years ago. Time really flies.

I recalled feeling very touched and inspired after reading this, and bought ten copies on a whim to gift to people. (At the time, it was only $9.99. Now, the prices have more than doubled. *sniff* Inflation sucks!)

Anyhow, today, I finally finished rereading the book. Now that it’s fresh on my mind, I’ve written down a few quotes I personally found very touching from the story.

Tuesdays with Morrie is a real-life story about an old man dying from ALS. Morrie shares his life lessons with his student, Mitch, who is the author of this book. It’s a very genuine story that really makes you ponder on life. Here are a few quotes from the novel that evoked a lot of emotions in me:


“Well, Ted, one day soon, someone’s gonna have to wipe my ass.”

Mitch was very accepting of his condition and knew he was dying. But this was one thing he dreaded the most. Because when you need someone to wipe your ass, you no longer have the ability to take care of yourself. It is such a sad realization. Society also makes us feel very ashamed.

Despite so, Morrie was grateful he had the time and mental state to say goodbye to those he loved.


“I traded a lot of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never even realized I was doing it.”

This is also so sad. I think most of us would choose a bigger paycheck over our dreams. Sometimes, we just need that stability in order to survive or maintain our quality of life. It’s really hard to find a balance.

I just hope that we can still dream a bit, and chase some of our passions even if it doesn’t pay.


“Everyone knows they’re going to die, but no one believes it. If we did, we would do things differently.”

Death seems to be something that’s so far away. For those of us who are in our 20s or 30s, we probably think we still have several decades left; perhaps working another thirty years or so before even thinking of retirement. But who knows when life will end?

I don’t want to regret, so I’m going to do the things I want to do now before it’s too late.


“This is part of what a family is about, not just love, but letting others know there’s someone who is watching out for them. It’s what I missed so much when my mother died –what I call your ‘spiritual security’ –knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame.”

Knowing that there’s someone watching out for me is very comforting. I’m really lucky both my parents are still around. Although the generation/cultural gap makes it very tough sometimes, I am grateful for everything they’ve done for me.

I’m learning to cherish and forgive. Continue reading “Touching quotes from Tuesdays with Morrie”

My mini autobiography

Several days ago, I turned 32 and I feel like it’s time for another reflective post.

I have the tendency to think a lot; about my past, present and future. I think about my past mistakes, the choices I’ve made, and what I look forward to. I think about my dreams, goals, and purpose.

I think about why I do what I do, and why I am the way I am.

I think about how I can achieve what I want, faster.

I think about how I can make a lasting, positive impact.

I want to do so much.

It may sound crazy, but I want to be a legacy.

You may ask, how? By doing what?

I think, by using my words to impact others.

I want you to feel better, happier, more empowered after reading my blog posts and translations.

I want to share my experience and advice, and you to benefit from it. Knowing that I have the power to change someone’s behaviour makes me feel good.

I’ve come to realize that I need to live a life with meaning to be happy. For the first 23 years of my life, I basically followed exactly what my father had wanted me to do.

As a child, my only goal was to get good grades so I could get into university and then get a good, stable job.

I needed good grades. I was a “good” student, but at the same time, I wasn’t. I mean, I showed up to class and did all my homework. I tried to study and do well, but half the time I was daydreaming because it was so damn boring.

I tried to retain as much as I could, but I’m just not very academic. At least, it’s not easy for me. I have a slow brain, so it takes me a long time to understand something.

I had friends who could seamlessly get 90s without trying, while here I was, working hard and struggling to get an 80. So sad.

I knew school wasn’t really for me, but I still tried. In fact, I even got an award for perfect attendance. LOL, so lame. Who gives an award for that??? Continue reading “My mini autobiography”

Man’s search for meaning

Man's search for meaning

This book was one of the toughest books I’ve ever read. It is about a psychiatrist’s horrific experience in Nazi death camps. When I envisioned what he had gone through, I literally felt sick to my stomach. I wondered what I would’ve done in his place.

Would I have had the will to live? How could I go on if I feel like the suffering will never end?

This post is not a book summary. I just want to share a few notable quotes that caught my attention and add my views on it.


“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

You either learn to adapt or give up…there’s really no other option.


“Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.”

We all need that purpose or ‘why’ to keep going. Your ‘why’ may differ from mine. But without a reason, there’s no meaning. Without meaning, there’s no point. What gives your life meaning?

  Continue reading “Man’s search for meaning”

The Magic of Thinking Big

The magic of thinking bigTo my dear readers,

Long time no blog! Sorry, I am really lazy and uninspired. T_T. There are times when I do want to write something, but my lack of willpower results in no action.

However, today, I am very inspired by this book, “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz. I read this book at a bookstore and took some notes on my phone. I would like to share it with you guys today. Please take some time to reflect on the questions. You don’t have to tell me the answers. You can just answer them in your mind.

Note: The bold words are from the book itself.

Persons with mediocre accomplishments are quick to explain why they haven’t, why they don’t, why they can’t, and why they aren’t.

Which type are you?

Most of us make two basic errors with respect to intelligence: 

  1. We underestimate our own brainpower
  2. We overestimate the other fellow’s brainpower 

Don’t underestimate yourself. You can always do more; be more. 

See what can be, not just what is. 

What can you see? 

The price tag the world puts on us is just about identical to the one we put on ourselves. 

How much do you think you’re worth? 

Eliminate the word impossible from your thinking and speaking vocabularies. Impossible is a failure word. 

If you’ve already made up your mind that it is impossible, you’ll never take the necessary action to get what you want.  Continue reading “The Magic of Thinking Big”

The Art of War

The Art of War

The Art of War

Yesterday, I was on browsing through books. I happened to come across “The Art of War”. I’ve always heard a lot of great things about the book, so I decided to give it a try. I noticed it was free to read on kindle, so I downloaded a copy and read it on my laptop (I’m not sure why it’s free, but yay for free stuff!! :D). But since it was relatively short, it’s probably not the full version. However, I thought it was rather powerful so I wanted to share some of my interpretations with my readers.

In this post, I’ve only chosen 5 quotes from the book that resonated a lot with me. If you like what you read, head on to download the free copy on amazon and read it yourself!

Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.

There must be a purpose for your men. Why would they risk their lives for their country unless they feel threatened? It is crucial to drive emotions into them. If they don’t see any benefits of their sacrifices, they are not going to fight. Fear and anger are powerful forces. As my ex-student Johnson says, “They took everything, and they’ll do it again.” (His slogan for his propaganda poster). You need a strong purpose to carry on.

Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.

Oftentimes, we may believe that in order to win a war, we must fight. The more men, weapons, machinery we have, the more superior we are. But, your goal shouldn’t be to use up all your resources. Instead, aim to win your battle with ease. If you’re able to crush your opponents without fighting, you are truly skilled. Continue reading “The Art of War”



Years ago, I had considered writing a post on depression. But in the end, I never did it because it was such a dark topic.

But today, I felt the need to do so due to Kim Jonghyun’s suicide on Dec 18th. For those who are unaware, he was a member of a popular K-pop group called SHINee.

In my opinion, all of us are a bit broken on the inside. None of us are totally ok. Most of us just try to hide or ignore the negative emotions inside of us. Perhaps, we try distracting ourselves or avoid thinking about it.

There is so much stigma about mental illness, and our society is not very forgiving. However, I strongly believe the Asian culture is even worse. The amount of societal pressure and open criticism people experience is unbelievable.

If you try to tell others how you feel, most people will put the blame on you:

“Why are you depressed? Your life is already so much better than so many other people. Think about those who live in a 3rd world country and have no food and water!”    

“Your life is so good. You’re just ungrateful and spoiled.” Continue reading “Depression”

Some more wisdom


I actually wasn’t going to write this post. However, my friend Jack was like, “I went on a trip to Asia for 3 weeks and you still haven’t posted anything new!”

Sooooo… I’m going to share some meaningful lines I’ve recently read from a book. The book is by Deepak Chopra, and it is called “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”. It was given to me by my Uncle Aaron. (Thanks, Uncle).

“Being ego-based power, it lasts only as long as the object of reference is there. If you have a certain title – if you’re the president of the country or the chairman of a corporation – or if you have a lot of money, the power you enjoy goes with the title, with the job, and with the money. Ego-based power will only last as long as those things last. As soon as the title, the job, the money go away, so does the power.”

Hmm.. honestly, I feel like that’s how our society define success. You have to have certain things and make a specific amount, or you wouldn’t be considered “successful”.

Having money definitely makes life a lot easier. I am sure all of us want to be financially stable. Who wouldn’t want to have more?

But how much do you need before you’re satisfied? If you only see your value based on what you can buy with money, I think that’s rather sad. Continue reading “Some more wisdom”


I’ve neglected my personal posts for over a month now. I’m so sorry… I know, I’m always apologizing. However, I honestly don’t have motivation to post. I have thoughts but I don’t want to share them.

Today, though, I want to share a song that has moved my heart. I have translated some of the lyrics. It’s not exactly 100%, but it’s close enough. Please listen to the song as you read it. The song starts around 0:22

By the way, the thoughts were inspired by the song. This post is not a depressing call for help or anything. lol

At night, is there someone to help you light a lamp?
When you’re dreaming, is there someone to help you unfold your hands?
When you’re upset, is there someone to help you wipe away the tears?
When you’re down, is there someone to wrap you in an embrace? 

Could it be
You truly don’t know
How much you mean to me?

Could it be
You honestly don’t feel it? 

There’s nothing more my love needs to say
Until the end of time

Honestly, this is one of the most touching performances I have ever seen/heard. From his voice, I could hear heartache, sadness, vulnerability, and defeat. It makes me want to tear up.

I think in general, we all want to find a partner who will be there for us in times of need. Knowing you are loved is comforting. Seldom would we choose a path of loneliness.  Continue reading “Heartache”

My attention span and Pokémon Go

I haven’t written a personal post in a very long time. But I haven’t forgotten you guys. I just don’t want to write for the sake of writing.

These days, I feel like I have the attention span of a potato. When I was young (before I had the internet), I would breeze through a book in one sitting. 300 pages? No big deal.

Nowadays, reading 50 pages is a struggle. I’m constantly tempted to do something else.

Haha, honestly, I blame the internet and my lack of self control. With so many social media applications nowadays, my generation is constantly checking up on what others are doing or posting something to show others what they are doing.

Deep down, I know the smart thing is to focus on my personal growth rather than see which pokemons my friends have caught. But I guess I enjoy being amused and not using my brain (I know, I sound terrible).
Continue reading “My attention span and Pokémon Go”

Hm… thoughts?

Green one eyed monster
This is my profile pic on discord. Haha.
Last Monday, I didn’t write my normal Monday post. I felt bad and I wanted to write, but I didn’t feel like venting or sharing some of my personal issues.

However, I don’t want to skip my post again, so I’m going to share a bit.

If you have read my last original post My Adventures on Discord , you would know that I have found a very fun and interactive online community.

Due to my illness, I am often at home. Therefore, nowadays, I usually go on discord daily.

I really enjoy karaoke-ing and chatting with different translators and editors from all over the world. Sometimes, on voice chat, people would play guitar or piano, and a bunch of us would mute ourselves and listen. It’s like attending a concert, except you can only listen.

A few days ago, Options was playing the piano. Deceptioning made a comment.

Deceptioning: Your girlfriend will be a lucky woman (due to the fast fingers? Haha)

A bunch of people: Options is a girl!

Deceptioning: Oh…lucky guy then?

Options: Well, I do have my options (get it? Her name is Options, so she has her options! AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHA *insert the laughing crying face emoticon*)

*By the way, this was through text and we didn’t actually hear Option speak, so most of us had no idea she was a female.

But on a serious note, discord also made me learn a few things about myself and people.

If someone really wants to talk to you, he/she will make the effort to talk to you even if there are so many barriers (ex. they’re busy, different time zones, different work schedules, etc).

Continue reading “Hm… thoughts?”